Saturday, May 8, 2010

Weird Dreams: The Room I Never Noticed Before

So, I keep having this recurring dream in my life, where I am someplace familiar, and suddenly I find that there is a door, or secret panel, or passageway in the back of a closet that I have never noticed before.  I go through it, and there is some other room or place I have never been before.  It's been there the whole time, but for my entire life I never bothered to notice.

I had one of these dreams the night before last, and it was about out rental house.  Deb's biggest complaint about that house was that it only had 1 bathroom.

We were in between tenants, and walking through the house (which I knew so well after living there for 7 years), I noticed a door in the corner of the bedroom that hadn't caught my attention before.  I open it, and there is this beautiful bathroom.  The feeling of being so stupid not to notice this washed over me.  In the back of the bathroom was another door, and it opened to this commercial kitchen, which then led into this huge bar room that was set up as a big music hall.  Continuing out the front door of that, it led to a patio, where there was this posh restaurant.

Now, it's obvious that there is no basis in reality for this set-up, because our 1000sqft house is clearly not capable of this square footage, and behind that bedroom in real life is a horse farm.

I just can't figure out why I keep having these "secret room" dreams.  Weird.

1 comment:

  1. There's a "secret" out there, that you haven't tapped in to yet. You already know it, but it is hidden in the back of your mind. Once you figure it out, prosperity will expand...
